Re-Elect Roberts: Issues

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Jason's Core Campaign Issues


Vacaville needs a council who values and exhibits leadership. Jason is a combat veteran with leadership experience in Afghanistan, a Public Disaster Preparedness Leader and a current Council Member. Vacaville needs a proven council with integrity to lead us into the next decade. One who will work for all the people; not special interest groups, political parties and developers.


Public Safety

Keeping Vacaville safe is Jason’s top priority. As a current council member he has consistently supported our public safety workforce. As a public safety employee himself and veteran, he knows the importance of being prepared and the value of prevention. Vacaville’s crime statistics have continued to drop each year of his current term, we have mitigated all major fire and natural disaster risks.


Vacaville can create housing that our children and seniors need. The days of endless housing tracts with no schools or parks is over. Jason will hold developers accountable to build complete communities for our residents. The citizens of Vacaville deserve a council member who will fight for you and your family, not business interests and profits. We can build better.

Good Jobs

Vacaville residents need good careers, not more low wage jobs. Good careers that pay a living wage and benefits. You should be able to work where you live, not commuting for hours daily. Jason will continue to build on the City’s Bio/Technology career pathways which have already produced hundreds of good local careers. We can create good careers right here at home.

Disaster Preparedness

For the last several years the fire threat in Vacaville has grown exponentially. Jason will bring significant experience as a Disaster Preparedness Expert in his role as councilman. We need to prioritize community preparedness, disaster plans and improve safe evacuation routes that will keep citizens safe in the face of expanding fire and flood disaster threat.


Clear and consistent communication with all Vacaville residents is one of Jason’s highest priorities. The council works for you and should be present, available and visible in the community. Jason has consistently demonstrated this as Vice Mayor and Council Member. Jason is committed to actively communicating with all.


Soaring energy costs, drought and constant wildfire challenges our great city. Vacaville needs a new path forward focusing on energy efficiency, conserving water and preparing for climate related natural disasters. I will continue advocating for a greener Vacaville that utilizes clean energy and recycled water; while saving tax dollars.


Jason knows as a councilman the “buck stops with him”. As a city, our council and staff need to be responsive and accountable to our citizens. Jason will continue to push for the highest customer standards, responsive city services and prudent use of your tax dollars. Jason works for you; the tax-payer, and accountability matters.

As your current district 5 council member, I can promise you, if you give me the honor of continuing to represent District 5, I will continue to fight for a brighter future for Vacaville. You deserve a safe community, good local jobs and housing that is affordable with the parks and schools our children deserve. I am running again for a better future for all of Vacaville. Together we can make Vacaville the great city we all know it should be. I hope you will choose Vacaville's future in this year's council race and re-elect Jason Roberts for Vacaville City Council 2024.